As a returning sponsor of INCOSE South Africa’s Systems Engineering Conference, PPI hopes that you were able to leave with some new insights, skills, and an enthusiastic expectation of the unstoppable growth of systems engineering practice. René King and Alwyn Smit represented PPI at the event this year and they share their thoughts on it below.
“PPI is proud to have sponsored the INCOSE SA conference for a number of years. Returning to the first in-person INCOSE SA Conference in South Africa since the onset of the pandemic, it was a pleasure to be in the same room as like-minded individuals, eager to make the world a better place through the power of systems engineering. The topics presented were relevant to addressing the socioeconomic challenges and opportunities that we face in the modern world. Of particular interest were the presentations by the (Great Young Systems Engineers of the Year) GYSOEY teams, who demonstrated their learned insight and skill in SE and demonstrated how impactful mentoring and training can be to cultivate engineering excellence and produce solutions to relevant challenges that companies and the world face.”

René King
BSc (Engineering), MScEng
Business Development Manager & Senior Engineer
“The experience of attending INCOSE SA in person was fantastic, even though the numbers were still down quite a bit from what I recall from previous events. Of particular interest were the large number of student papers from the University of Pretoria. It is certainly heartwarming to see that the younger generation embracing the field of SE and that it is no longer just the old defence participation that we were so used to. I certainly hope this trend will continue as I have long believed that Systems Engineering is a skillset that every engineer should have and that local universities can do so much more to encourage it. The (Great Young Systems Engineer of the Year) GYSOEY competition was also instrumental in furthering the interest in SE with the young engineers and a big thank you to Ad Sparrius who’s brainchild this is and to those companies that saw their way open to participate by signing up some of their young engineers.”

Alwyn Smit
Principal Consultant & Course Presenter