Systems Engineering Goldmine
Welcome to PPI’s free Systems Engineering Goldmine (SEG) page. The Goldmine, a separate site growing almost daily, contains over 5GB of downloadable information relevant to the engineering of systems and a searchable database of 7,000+ defined terms.
The Systems Engineering Goldmine is a free searchable resource containing a wealth of downloadable documents, definitions and other information relevant to the successful engineering of systems.
This resource is intended for use by alumni, clients and friends of Project Performance International (PPI) together with alumni, clients and friends of subsidiary company Certification Training International (CTI).
- A searchable database of standards
- A searchable database of over 8,500 defined terms
- Forms
- Example Systems Engineering documents
- Guides, handbooks, reports & papers
- Software tools
- Checklist
- Diagrams and educational graphics
Having access to SEG, you automatically also have access to Systems Engineering Tools Database (SETDB), a collaborative initiative by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and PPI.
The SETDB provides information on hundreds of software tools and cloud services that can support your systems/product engineering activities.

Clients of Project Performance International or Certification Training International
If you are an alumna, alumnus or client of PPI or subsidiary company CTI, you will have been provided with a username and password. You may change your password online. For any username or password issues, please contact us.
Limited Access Users
If you are not a client of PPI or CTI, limited access (which permits download access to many of these resources) may be available on a registration-approved basis. Conditions apply.
SE Goldmine & SETDB Access Request Form
I request access to PPI’s SEG and SETDB. In doing so, I agree to comply with the Terms of Use of the SEG and SETDB site, and I consent to receive, by email from PPI, occasional notifications regarding PPI’s systems engineering training and consulting services. I also request to be subscribed to PPI SyEN, PPI’s monthly newsjournal for the engineering professional, containing technical articles, news and useful information in the field of systems/product engineering and in directly related fields. I acknowledge that I may cancel my Systems Engineering Goldmine account and unsubscribe to PPI SyEN at any time.