Although VHDL has “Hardware Description Language” in its name, its behavioral modeling syntax includes logic operators, viz.: and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor and not, plus other types of operators such as relational, shift, and arithmetic, enabling solution-free behaviour to be specified. VHDL does not require components to be defined; it is capable of black-box behavioural description. Ipso facto, VHDL is a requirements language (but not only a requirements language, it is also a design language). The same is true for many other behavioral modeling languages – they can be used to describe both requirements and design.

Leveraging Decision Patterns – INCOSE/GfSE Webinar (VIDEO)
Decision-making is one of four fundamental human thinking (aka analysis) processes. Decisions comprise the essential thinking content, the integrative mechanism of any design process, and as such effect […]